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Table 3 Peripheral nerve stimulation: prospective studies

From: A review of the bioelectronic implications of stimulation of the peripheral nervous system for chronic pain conditions



Study design

Outcome Measures



Deer et al. (2010)

Upper Extremity mononeuropathy

Case series

N = 10

Median nerve

VAS scores


−20% of the patients reported 40–100% pain relief

No adverse effects occurred

Level II

Temporary implant resulted in both pain reduction and reduced use of oral opioid pain medication during the 5-day stimulation period.

Saper et al. ONSTIM Study (2011)

Chronic Intractable Migraine


N = 66

Occipital Nerve

-Headache days

-Pain intensity




Responder defined as > 50% reduction of headache days

39% responder rate in Adjustable stim arm

6% responder rate in preset stim arm

Level II

Occipital nerve stimulation is effective in treating intractable Chronic Migraine

Rauck et al. (2014)

Post Amputation Pain

Prospective Open Label Feasibility Study

N = 16

Sciatic and Femoral Nerves

-Brief Pain Inventory

-Beck Depression Inventory

At the end of 4wks subjects reported improvement in their quality of life and decrease in Beck Depression Inventory score

Level III

Peripheral nerve stimulation can be effective in achieving significant pain relief and improvements in quality of life in patients suffering with post amputation pain syndrome

Wilson et al. (2014)

Chronic Hemiplegic Shoulder pain

Prospective randomized control trial

N = 25

Intramuscular Deltoid, axillary nerve

-Brief Pain -Inventory

SF 3

At 16wks, the mean severity rating of BPI index decreased from 7.5 to 3.2 in the peripheral nerve stimulation arm

Level II

Short term peripheral nerve stimulation is safe and efficacious treatment for shoulder pain.

Deer et al. (2016)

Chronic Neuropathic pain

Prospective multicenter randomized double-blind partial crossover study

N = 94

Upper and lower extremity and trucal nerves



-Quality of life

-Patient Satisfaction

-Pain Medication

Avg pain reduction of 27% in the treatment group as compared to 2% in the control group

Level II

Peripheral nerve stimulation is safe and effective treatment strategy to target neuropathic pain of peripheral nerve origin

Ilfeld et al. (2017)

Total Knee arthroplasty

Prospective open label feasibility study

Femoral and Sciatic nerve


Reduction in VAS scores by an average of 63% at rest, with 4 of 5 subjects having relief of > 50%

Level III

Ultrasound-guided percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation may be a practical modality for the treatment of postsurgical pain